Bygballe's blog

misc. from the everyday life of Rikke B

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Cool, 2 comments on my blog :o) Thanks Tommy and Louise!

I’m starting to get a bit claustrophobic at my office – until recently I shared an office with my “office-mate” and we had some good talks, and I miss that, and also the noise at the floor where most of the social people have their offices. Now I'm located at the “quiet Floor”, which I good in the way that I’m able to listen to my music (pop) while working and I have a lot of wall space for arranging all my little sticky notes with my thoughts and ideas… But I guess the academic environment is just too lonely and quiet for me; I need the inspiration and motivation from socialising with other people to get some work done and to remind me that the academic work has a value.
Therefore I try to get out of the office as much as I can.

Today I went to a lecture arranged by the company I wrote my Master Thesis about. And once more the culture, the atmosphere – I’m not quite sure – but SOMETHING always gives me energy and inspiration when I meet up with them! Today’s meeting was no exception. Maybe its because I feel that they confirm my thoughts, and that gives me the confidence to hang on too what I believe and what I wish to do. I arranged a meeting with them next week, and I really look forward to starting up the dialogue once more… the last year has been… well, HARD! And one of the major reasons for that has been the absence of dialogue with people like them. I really miss that! Actually, I’m afraid I NEED that, I’ve been feeling dead in a way for a very long time, and now it feels like the colours are reappearing in my life. It’s a bit drastic to use this metaphor, I know, but none the less true. When one of the people I meet today said that she probably could help me get the project/job/whatever of my dreams, but she was afraid that I wouldn’t move (to Jylland…) to get it, it just said, “no, if that’s what it takes, then I'm ready. That’s how much I want this!” Wow, as soon I said it the words out loud, I knew that I actually meant them! With all my friends, family and network here, it’s a bit frightening to move away and start over, and I’ve always said that I’d rather move to Sydney (my absolute favourite place outside DK) than Aarhus… But… Maybe… I don’t know if there is a concrete possibility or anything in Jylland, but the thought and the willingness to explore if there is, is a bit mind-blowing… (But thats just me - it's only 3 hours from Copenhagen... and I have family there who I know will welcome me...)

Anyway… more info will follow as soon as I know more.

Now I’ll go home with these happy thoughts… I’m having a special guest for Dinner tomorrow and I need to clean up a little bit tonight ;o)


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